
>> January 20, 2017

How is it already nearing the end of January? Where did the last 3 weeks go!? I thought our January would be a little more relaxed after a busy Christmas but these days just keep flying by. Kids are back into their school routine, new sports seasons have begun and I'm continuing to balance a busy schedule. 
Lucy is looking so grown up these days. I keep having to remind myself that she is 5 and will be in kindergarten next year. Which reminds me....we register her for school next week! Eek!

For her winter sport she chose to play tennis this year. It seemed a bit random at first but she is super excited and really into it. We found a great class for her with only 4 kids in it and the coach really focuses on proper skills and technique. So far she's doing great and we already signed her up for another session!

Carter is working on learning to tie his shoes. He's almost got it! And finally, after 5 long months one of his top front teeth is starting to come in. I'm already missing those little baby teeth in his mouth. This new one just seems so big!

It's been a very cold winter this past month. I wake up cold, go to bed cold and spend most of the day cold. I hate to complain because I know we have it pretty easy compared to other parts of the country but I really just don't like being cold! It was particularly icy last week which meant a 2 hour late start at Carter's school. I loved it! Getting to have all 3 kids home together is crazy at times, but so fun too. We had a relaxing morning, headed out for a special treat at the local bakery and even had time to run to the library before dropping him off at school.
I'm not sure how or why we've gotten into this little habit but before school crazy pictures have become the norm around here. These little goofballs crack me up. And each other. All day long.

I hope they never get tired of dressing up!
Even though it's been cold we all decided to bundle up and head to the park last weekend. Fresh air, lots of room to run and play and the sun shining through the clouds made for the perfect afternoon.

2017 is off to a pretty great start!


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