new years at the mountain.

>> January 1, 2017

New Years Eve was definitely not the typical celebration that most people like to do. We had zero plans, made no effort to celebrate, put the kids to bed early and went to bed early ourselves. We aren't typically night owls so staying up until midnight was never really the plan (especially when kids still wake up early!) and we thought a fun New Years Day might be more enjoyable with a lot less crowds. 
So, a night in with cozy pj's and a little tv time was perfect!
But before the quiet evening at home I decided to take Carter and Lucy out for a special date. We went to the bookstore so Carter could spend his last gift card and then went to sushi for lunch - their choice! I'm always so impressed with how excited they are to try new things, especially raw fish! 
They definitely weren't a cheap lunch date! Carter devoured quite a few shrimp rolls and Lucy loved her salmon. So, after $60 they finally said they were full and we headed home.

 This morning we bundled everyone up, loaded the car with snacks and drove to the mountains! With it being a holiday and thinking everyone would sleep in we figured it'd be the perfect morning for some sledding while avoiding the crowds. And it was great! Right as we were leaving to go home more people were arriving but we really had a fairly open sledding hill most of the time we were there.
 I'm not sure what is more work. Getting 3 kids dressed from head to toe in snow gear or actually doing the sledding. I got my workout in the for the day just putting on layer after layer to keep them warm and dry. Whew!

 The groomer hadn't arrived yet when we got there and there was an abundance of fresh powder from last night so the kids happily played until the tubing hill was a bit more compact.

 And then they were off! Simon took 2 turns with Matt until he decided it was more fun to just stay at the top and play. I was so happy he didn't cry the entire time because I made him wear a hat. (fyi - he HATES hats). I think he loved just watching all the people and seeing so much of the fluffy white snow. Carter did great until he landed at the bottom of the hill in a huge pile of powder over his face. The kid who is always hot and sweaty actually complained about being cold! Once he shook that off he took some more turns before playing with Simon in the snow. And then there was Lucy. This girl, the one who is usually timid and a bit nervous with new/fast/scary/cold things was completely fearless! She would squeal as she flew down the hill always going further than anyone else and even ran into the fence a few times! She kept asking me to push her faster and faster on her tube and was almost in tears when I said it was time to go.  Love it!

 All in all it was such a fun morning and I'm so proud of the kids and how well they did. I think we are now ready to take them to a more adventurous tubing area to go longer and faster. And then hit up some snowboarding with the big kids too!

 After coming home and having some lunch we decided to venture out again in the cold and go for our annual walk around Bothell Landing. I'm not even sure how it started but for the past 4 years we've always taken a family walk on the same path at this local park. It's a fun way to get moving and enjoy the crisp, cold air on the first day of the year. The kids were wiped out when we got home which was perfect timing to relax on the couch and watch the Seahawks game.
 Happy New Year everyone! I can't wait to see what 2017 brings!


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