memorial day traditions.

>> May 30, 2017

This was the first Memorial Day weekend in over 10 years that the weather was forecasted to be hot. Sunny, hot, no clouds and just beautiful. We wanted to take full advantage of the sun and headed to the beach! It's been a tradition to go up to Matt's family beach house for years on every major summer holiday or really, any nice weekend in the summer! 
I love the early morning runs I get with whatever kid is small enough to still fit in the stroller, the walks on the beach, collecting shells, playing in the yard and eating corn on the cob and cold, juicy watermelon. And the kids run and play until they are dirty, wet with salt water and then lounge downstairs in the basement to watch an old VHS Disney movie. These weekend retreats are always good for our family and we love the time spent together.
We wasted no time driving up there and heading right down to the water. The tide was out far enough we could actually play in the sand and swim in the water - fully clothed, of course.

 Simon cuddled up with Grandpa Tom most of the weekend too. These two just adore each other and its so fun to watch them both interact together.
 The kids did sidewalk chalk, yard games and Simon held a tight grip on his football most of the weekend. He really can't get enough of any sport involving a ball but especially football.
 Sunday afternoon we made our annual trip up to Bellingham for the post Ski to Sea BBQ at one of our long time friends' house. We've been doing this for probably 12 years, well before many of us were married or had kids. Year after year we come together, let our (now big!) kids run around and play while we snack on fruit and drinks and catch up on each others lives. This year was the most mellow year yet! The BBQs spent chasing small kids, cutting up food and monitoring tantrums seemed almost long gone. We had kids making their own s'mores, quietly reading in bedrooms and politely asking for food - it was amazing! Always a fun time to spend with friends who've known you for so long and literally grew into adulthood together.
Even though it was a BBQ we headed up early to fill the kids' tummies with some pizza at one of our favorite local pizzerias. Knowing they'd be too busy running around to actually eat dinner we knew it was smart to get them fed before we met up with friends. And they devoured almost an entire pizza - our plan worked!

 These 3 girls were so fun to watch. Lucy and Addi are just 2 weeks apart and they quickly became best friends that night.
 S'mores by the campfire.
 The annual kid pic. They easily outnumber us adults!
 Lucy and Addi.
 The men of the party - it's been a longtime running joke that Matt hates to be hugged. Can't stand it one bit. So, naturally, the boys loved giving him a tight squeeze!
 The ladies!
 The next morning Simon woke up at his usual early hour so we headed out for another run together. Except this time he wasn't as interested in staying in the stroller as he usually is. So, I went a much slower pace for the last 1/4 of the loop and let him lead the way. He crashed at home later in the day, dirty feet and sweaty hair. Definitely a sign of a great weekend!

 We ended the weekend with another stay in date night. The kids were exhausted and easily went to bed early so we chose to have some grilled baguette with ricotta cheese, heirloom tomatoes, fresh basil and a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette. So delicious and the perfect meal to enter into summer!
 And now it's the beginning of a new week - an exciting week though because we get new windows! Goodbye old aluminum, hello beautiful vinyl!
 Since the window installers were so loud and took over the whole house I headed out for the day with Lucy and Simon while Carter was at school. A few errands, trip to the bookstore, library and donut shop and ended with playtime at the gym!

 Simon was flexible with his nap and just crashed on a chair at the library - haha !
Only a few more weeks until the official start of summer - can't wait!


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