spring has (finally) sprung.

>> May 3, 2017

The weather is slowly improving and we couldn't be happier around here. Playtime outside, park dates, sand boxes, eating dinner on the back deck, running dates with friends...it's all so nice!! We are taking full advantage and spending basically every waking moment outside. 

 Lucy could swing all day long and is getting more brave at jumping off. The other day she just kept going higher and higher...crazy girl! What was more impressive, though, was how she landed on her feet every single time!

 Soccer practice on sunny nights are so much more fun than windy, cold, rainy nights.

 This past weekend Lucy and I got to have a little girl time at a local cooking class. We met another good friend and her son there and made homemade bowtie pasta, salad and cookies for dessert. So fun and such a great class for kids. Now I'm inspired to make homemade pasta at home (in all my spare time!).

 Early mornings before school have shifted from playing in the playroom to coloring at the kitchen table. It's fun to watch all 3 kids sit together and get along...at least for a few minutes.
 I got ambitious the other day and convinced the kids to help me with a little project so we could surprise Matt when he came home from work. While I work really hard to keep the inside of the house clean and tidy I'm not so great on the outside. I've never enjoyed yard work, struggle with gardening and hate pulling weeds. But the front porch needed some serious cleaning so my littler helpers were up for the challenge! We scrubbed the porch over and over again, sprayed it off (while spraying each other...oops!) and then cleaned out the flower pots. After a quick trip to Costco for some new flowers we came home and planted them all just in time to get Carter off the bus.
 It looks so much better and got us all even more excited for warmer days ahead!


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