summer on repeat.

>> August 29, 2017

If this post feels a bit like the last five I've posted over the course of the summer it's because we've basically cycled through our favorite summer adventures week after week, never getting tired of the fun. This week was more proof. My kids, I suppose, are a bit predictable but I sure don't mind the endless days at the beach and playing outside in the sun. School starts next week and while I appreciate schedules I've really, really loved this carefree summer. I think we all needed a break from our usual routine.
We spent the morning of the historical eclipse at home doing nothing special. It wasn't that I didn't care but I wasn't going to risk anything with my eyes to see it live and I just didn't trust those silly glasses for me or the kids. So, we had an inside slumber party and watched it on tv. And it was actually super fun to see it live from several cities and learn more about the science behind it. So, it's over people, let's move on.
 We took trip #45 to the library and Simon continued his trend of only bringing home sports books. The kid is obsessed.
 And then we headed back to the beach for the 495753 time this summer. But, you guys, it's so fun!

 The kids explored the sandy shore (and low tide was awesome!) while Simon and I played baseball.
 Then we headed over to the local ice cream shop for a treat.
 Back home it's more least 4-5 games a day since they learned how to play a few weeks ago!
 And then a trip to a new park. This place was awesome. Lots of places to climb, slide, jump, swing and even get wet. Plus it's in the middle of a big city with huge skyscrapers surrounding us, a beautiful fountain with ducks swimming around and free parking!

I got to have a date night with Lucy to finish up some school shopping. It was the first time she got so into trying clothes on in the fitting room and wandering around the store really searching for the perfect outfit. We finished with dinner at her favorite place before heading home to show Daddy ALL the bags!  Ha!

 Carter has read at least 329585863 books this summer. He's amazing.
 And Simon just keeps growing! He's getting so tall!!
 Over the weekend Matt went on a guys trip to Portland so I took the kids on the ferry over to Kingston for the day. It was hot and beautiful and a great day to explore a new little town on foot. The kids loved the ferry and did such a great job sticking together all day while we went from boat to farmer's market to shops and ice cream. I love summer adventures with this crew.

 On the way back these 2 older ladies sat near us and started working on a puzzle that had been left behind from a previous passenger. The kids politely went up, all on their own, and asked if they could join them to help. They spent 20 minutes talking, laughing and working on this puzzle before we realized we were back in Edmonds and needed to leave the ferry. The old ladies headed off to a tea party and we headed over to the beach. Of course!

 On Sunday we planned to take the kids to the aqua sox game. Matt was planning to be back in town for a family night but crazy traffic delayed his trip so it was just me and the kids. But, we had such a fun night, even while missing Matt.

 Simon could have intently watched the game for all 9 innings but the big kids wanted a short break to jump in the bouncy houses.
 They did great for the entire game and even got to run the bases afterwards! This was a huge highlight and Simon won't stop talking about how he slid (tripped maybe?) into home plate.

 This week has started with more chess and yep, another beach day. Okay, actually 2 beach days back to back. We are crazy for sand and water around here. I think my washing machine is going to have serious withdrawals from sandy, wet towels once fall rolls around.
 Simon just couldn't hang and fell asleep standing up. Again. Poor guy. He's going to have such a quiet house once the kids are at school I'm not sure what he's going to do!
 Last night I snuck away for a girls night with my 2 best friends. I'm so happy we are now making this a priority every month or so. It's such a good time to reconnect and laugh, laugh, laugh. Love these girls and our lifelong friendship.

The rest of the week includes lots of school prep! Ready or not, only 1 week of summer left!


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