she's six!

>> December 20, 2017 are six. It's honestly so hard to believe because deep down I still think of you as my baby girl. Yes, Simon is the baby of our family but something about you being the girl I never thought I'd have (somehow I was convinced I'd be a boy mom!) - it just makes me feel like you should still be this little baby. But you are six and I couldn't be more excited to celebrate with you!
You are beautiful inside and out. Sometimes I'm blown away by your kindness, thoughtfulness and caring for others. You are a perfect mix of sweet and sassy. You are a rule follower, oh man, more than anything you are good at pointing out right from wrong and letting anyone near by know about it! You love to help. You love to cuddle. You love to sing. You are learning to read and it's so fun to watch. You love learning, love school, love your teacher and really love your friends. You aren't afraid to try something new. You are athletic, strong, determined and persistent. You don't simply give up. You can hold your own in a football game or wrestling match with your brothers but then quickly go upstairs and play with your barbies. You love to color and bake and are always up for a girls day. I hope it stays that way forever.  
Happiest birthday to my favorite six year old. Lucy Lu, we love you!!!


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