spring break in paradise.

>> April 30, 2019

In an effort to focus on the truly fabulous vacation we had over spring break I've decided to skip over the details of our how trip actually began. Let's just say when you are parked on I-5 and on the phone with your airline to see if there are 5 open seats on a later flight it's not going well. Thank goodness our kids have seen Home Alone and knew how to perfectly recreate the airport scene. We frantically arrived with a few minutes to spare and made it safely to Hawaii. Whew.

After a long travel day we arrived. Paradise. This little resort means so much to Matt and I. We came here on our honeymoon, the following year with his parents and have now been lucky enough to return with each of our kids as babies/toddlers. We have so many memories from this place and every time you walk in it all comes flooding back. I am so thankful for this week spent with family. Those memories will carry on with our kids for years and years to come.
Because of that silly time change we were up bright and early the first full day. We learned in New York that if we spend the money for 1 really good breakfast our first day it gets everyone going on the right foot. Matt was heading to Costco later in the day and we had limited food at the resort so we walked across the street to this adorable cafe for some really delicious breakfast. 

 And is there anything better than going out to breakfast, in Hawaii, in your pjs and eating outside?!? Perfect start to the week.

 Matt went and ran all the errands with his parents while I stayed back at the beach and pool with the kids. Tough trade off, huh?! We wasted no time changing in to swim suits, slathering on the sunscreen (so much sunscreen ALL week!) and headed to the beach. Boogie boards, sand castles, making new friends, poolside otter pops for the kids, poolside drinks for the adults and lots of sunshine. Repeat all week long and you have a super simple recap of our trip!

Day 1 was perfect. No doubt about it.


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