Easter 2012.

>> April 9, 2012

Warning: A TON of super cute pictures of 2 adorable little kids celebrating a wonderful Easter.

After a very busy Saturday we spent Easter with just our little family enjoying some quality time together. Carter woke up extra early to cuddle with us in bed for awhile. Then, he realized the Easter bunny had left some extra eggs in the living room for him to find. He LOVED it. Well, he loved the ones with treats (trail mix...I know we're boring) inside.
Deciding it was better to just squat and eat right when you find it rather than saving the snack for later. I mean, 6:45am isn't too early for banana chips, right?
Found another one! Doesn't he look like a 5 year old in this picture? Such a tall boy.
The eating continued.
We had a special blueberry pancake breakfast together. Carter's 2 favorite things right now are blueberries and Mickey Mouse. Needless to say, he was happy when he saw what Matt created.
We got ready for church and attempted a few family shots. This was the best I could get.
He loves her so much and she, well....puts up with him.
Daddy/daughter love.
Happiest girl ever. Seriously, I don't ever have to take 25 pictures to get one with her smiling. She does this all the time!
After church (well, after Carter had a meltdown in the nursery 5 minutes after we arrived meaning Matt spent the entire service downstairs with him while I fed Lucy in the cry room and neither of us saw or heard the service) we came home to open Easter baskets.
Lucy liked hers too!

Then it was nap time. Matt cuddled with Lucy while Carter slept and I picked up the house.
Then, Carter woke up, came into the living room and wanted to cuddle with Matt too. So, I took Lucy and Carter fell back asleep on Matt for another 45 minutes! Apparently egg hunting really tires a kid out!
It was such a beautiful day outside. I couldn't wait until the kids woke up so we could play.
After dinner we colored Easter eggs outside. I'm now doing this every year. It was way less messy and Carter could run around if he wanted while the eggs sat in the dye.
Lucy played with her bunny.
So proud of his eggs!

Such a wonderful weekend with the family. Happy Easter!


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