back to work I go.

>> April 10, 2012

For the past 16 weeks I have been so incredibly blessed to stay home. These 16 weeks have been some of the happiest times in my life. Sure, there were hard days, challenging days, exhausting days, days I wanted to scream and pull my hair out, days I did scream, days where I never got to eat sitting down or even eat an actual meal, days I never peed alone, days filled with spit-up and poop, messes and tantrums.

But....there were also those days filled with smiles and laughter, kisses and cuddles, play dates and walks to the park. Days filled with baking, singing, coloring and racing cars across the living room floor. There were days spent at the children's museum, jump around fun zone and gymnastic lessons. Days eating special treats, buying special toys and watching special cartoons. There was a huge snowstorm, windstorm and lots of rain but we still had fun.
I learned a lot about myself as a mom, parent, woman, wife and friend. And I learned I want more of this. More time at home, more time with the kids, more time just having those ordinary days.
In 2 days I will return to work, probably cry and have some time adjusting. We have gotten into a pretty good routine around here (and if you know me, you know I love routines!). We'll have to find our new normal and each of us will adapt.
Carter will get more play time with his friends, Lucy will (hopefully) learn to drink from a bottle, I will spend my breaks pumping and Matt will support me when I am sad to leave for work. I'm grateful for a good job that I enjoy and grateful for how hard Matt has worked to allow me to stay home as long as I have. For now, I'll enjoy the memories from the last 4 months and smile when I see these pictures.

And now...I must go change a poopy diaper!


Shani April 12, 2012 at 6:13 PM  

Good luck Julie! Adorable kiddos :-)

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