tulip festival.

>> April 9, 2012

Last Friday I took Lucy with me for a fun Mama/Daughter date. I really wanted to go down to the Tulip Festival in Skagit Valley. Matt had zero interest in going and Carter would just pull out every single flower in the field so I thought it was best I take a snuggly little girl. We drove all down and saw this absolutely beautiful field of daffodils on the way. I might have driven a little past a No Trespassing sign to stop and take a picture. But, it was worth it. They are beautiful and the sky was super dark with a rain cloud on the way, which made for a pretty cool contrast.We arrived at Tulip town and bundled up. Luckily the rain held off for a while. Lucy was a little less thrilled to be there.
Sadly, I think I went about 5 days too early. There were only a few rows of orange tulips open and a couple of yellow. And that was it. Yep, spent about 10 minutes wandering through the muddy fields for this. Oh well.
We spent more time inside looking at the pretty displays. These were my favorite!
I was loving it....Lucy was hanging in there.
So, 10 minutes later we went back to the car and decided shopping at the outlets would be a lot more fun!
Thanks for my date Lucy....you made a good shopping partner.


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