not a baby.

>> March 21, 2013

And just like that Lucy has become a toddler.  She still loves to cuddle, suck her thumb, nurse and be rocked to sleep but during the day she is go, go, go!
She has become a little monkey climbing on everything.  Couches, coffee tables, stools, chairs...she's mastered them all!
 Now wearing 18 month clothes (but still a little peanut at only 21 pounds) and lots of hair (but REFUSES to let me do anything with it - every barrette, pony tail and headband gets ripped out instantly).
 Trying to ride Carter's tricycle and actually understanding how to!
 Loves taking baths.  She sits in the water until it's cold and then waits until all the water has drained and we still have to pull her out screaming.
 And running errands with me.  She is so different than Carter was at this age.  He was (and still is) a busy boy.  When we go out I always make sure I have snacks, toys and my phone to distract/keep him busy while I'm at the store. Lucy is different though.  She likes to observe, sit quietly, smile and wave to everyone and just be still.  It's a welcome change.
 And learning how to use modern technology.  We don't let her play with our phones very often, for several reasons. But she is so curious and it's amazing to watch her learn so quickly how to master an app, like Peek-a-boo barn.  Plus, she's connecting the animals she sees on the phone with the ones we read in books. Such an interesting culture our children will grow up in.  I'm actually excited to see how we can integrate traditional learning (like flash cards, books and worksheets) with the IPad.  We've found some really great ways to add moments of learning throughout the day when I need 5 minutes to make lunch and Carter wants my phone or the IPad.  Makes me not feel so guilty for a little screen time.
 And she's as cute as ever! Now, if she could just stop growing up so quickly.....


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