Do the Puyallup 2015.

>> September 26, 2015

I know they changed the name of the fair a few years ago to the Washington State Fair but it'll always be the Puyallup to me. We took the kids last weekend and completely lucked out on the weather. The forecast called for rain but we ended up with a beautiful morning.
We left Simon at home with Grandma and Grandpa Vance so we could devote our full attention to Carter and Lucy, especially with all the rides. The kids were pretty excited for fair day.
 The morning started with our traditional breakfast of fair scones. I've been dairy free for the past 2+ months so I brought my own special treats (aka granola bars and apple slices) while the rest of the family enjoyed the fair food. I'm not gonna lie though, as much as I love some greasy and not-so-good for you fair food, I didn't really miss that sick feeling you get in your stomach at the end of the day. But, scones are always a family favorite!

 We then headed over to the barns to check out the animals. The kids love looking at all the cows, goats and sheep. Carter found a cool wood carving exhibit too, which he loved when he saw the giant pirate.
 Then we headed over to the rides. I must be getting old because we both found it ridiculous how much it cost for small kids to go on rides. Like 8-9 tickets for each ride! That's at least $4.00! Next year we are either going on a weekday to get the kids a ride bracelet or skipping rides altogether. We spent so much money on tickets and they were gone in less than 15 minutes. On a positive note, they never had to wait in line for anything which was awesome.

 And I love that they are both at the age where they enjoy the same rides. I know there will be a day when Carter thinks these are too "kiddie" for him so we enjoyed the fact that both of them got so excited to be together.

 The one ride Lucy was too short for was the scrambler so Matt and Carter went together. Oh my goodness! It was so fun/funny to watch Carter's face beam with joy as that silly ride went around and around. And then Matt felt sick when he got off.  Ha!
 I didn't get a picture of the kids on the giant slide but it was such a cute moment. We didn't want to spend the extra $4.50 for Matt or I to ride down with Lucy so we asked Carter if he would go down with her. He proudly said he'd protect and watch over her so we watched the 2 of them climb up the steep stairs together (while Carter held her cute), sit down on the burlap mat and watch Carter wrap his arms around his little sister to hold her as they went down. It was so fun to watch their faces as they went down the slide.

 My little ninjas at the end of a ride. I have no idea why they wanted to put their hands up like ninjas but I just went with it. It's a rare moment when they both want to take a picture with me.
 We took a quick break for lunch before wandering through the Hobby Hall, Dairy Barn and Pavilion.

 And finally ended with the petting zoo! I remember a time when the kids were smaller and we had to tower over them to make sure they didn't squeeze the life out of the baby chick or chase the goat around. It was so nice to see them patiently wait in line and gently pet each animal.
 After about 4 hours the kids were exhausted and their sugar filled bodies had had enough. Another fair day in the books, see you next year!


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