life with some cute kiddos.

>> September 25, 2015

We are starting to get used to our new routine. Kindergarten 5 days a week. Preschool once a week. Swim lessons on Fridays. Me back to work 1-2 days a week. Plus play dates, bike rides, meal prepping, grocery shopping and a continued list of house projects. Whew. But, life is so good and I'm loving my time with these 3 kiddos.
Simon is SO close to rolling over. The kids want to help him so badly but I said they needed to cheer him on (versus the other option they gave which was just flip him on his stomach). He's not there yet but getting so close.
 Matt was gone for a boys weekend a few weeks ago and I somehow managed to get all 3 kids up, fed and dressed for church. It might be hard some mornings but it's worth it to get out of the house. We love our church and have met so many wonderful friends there. This was Carter's first day in his new K/1 class and Lucy got to leave the nursery and start the preschool program. A very big deal!
 Simon turned 3 months old last week. He's still a happy, mellow, drooling, smiling, cooing, chunky baby and we just love him to pieces.
 I got him a warmer hat for those cold mornings when we are out at the bus stop or choose to walk to school. I think it's pretty darn cute.
 I try to walk to school any morning that isn't too cold or wet. I know the weather will be changing soon so I enjoy it now. It's nice to get some fresh air, talk to Carter about life and let him get some wiggles out before school starts. He's always so amazed that there aren't more people walking instead of riding the bus. He tells me, "mom, it's such good exercise and SO beautiful outside. Why would people want to miss out on this?!?"  Love my sweet boy.
 Lucy got to start preschool last week and she was so excited! We've had a lot of focus on Carter and all of his big changes so this girl was ready for her own special day. She looked cuter than ever in her new apple dress and marched right into class like she owned the place. Of course, she then got a little shy but Carter reminded her where to put her backpack and then she felt better, kissed me goodbye and told me to leave right now. Haha! So glad we get to enjoy the same preschool for the next 2 years.

 She was looking so grown up that day. Sigh. My little girl just isn't so little anymore.

 While Lucy was at preschool Carter and I ate lunch at the nearby bookstore before getting a special treat to celebrate some mama/son(s) time (Simon is always with us, of course!). It's nice to have a little extra time alone with each kid during the week. We found a cozy corner and read books for over an hour together.
 Besides Simon trying to roll over he's also trying to army crawl. Tummy time is usually spent with him stabbing his feet into the ground to push himself forward. Or this particular night he was planking. Slow down Simon!
 Last weekend I had the chance to go visit my sweet friend Sarah who is battling breast cancer. I wrote about her on my previous post. I was amazed at how healthy she looked after her 1st round of chemo, what a positive attitude she had and how brave she was and continues to be. We introduced Simon to Harper and they instantly fell in love. I was able to donate about 80 oz of breast milk to Sarah for little Harper and plan to continue as the months go on.

 He's just so handsome!
 And one last cute moment. The kids are enjoying the piano at the house as long as they follow the rules (no playing when Simon is asleep and no pounding the keys). We are learning those rules slowly but the other night they did such a great job taking turns and making up new songs. It was all about Halloween and the lyrics were just hilarious. Can't wait for another Vance family sing-a-long!


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