
>> September 3, 2015

We officially have a kindergartner. So weird! I have a school aged child, a preschooler and an infant.  Oh my goodness.
Because of our hectic summer I didn't really have much time to emotionally process this big transition. And maybe that was for the better. Carter was so ready though and so excited which made me feel better that he was going into this big year with confidence.
The night before I read him a special book I bought earlier in the week. 
 Yesterday morning he picked out a handsome new outfit and new he'd need to be ready for a million pictures before we headed to school. So, he got out his silly faces before we really got started.
 It's so funny. These pictures make him look so old and yet still so little at the same time. I couldn't be more proud of him. He has grown leaps and bounds this past year. So much more mature, responsible and helpful. But still holding onto that little boy world of silliness, super heroes, wrestling and even a little cuddling. It's sort of the best of both worlds.
 I love, love, love him! 
 And one can never have too many selfies.

 For the first day of school I decided to drive him there for drop off and pick up. I wanted to see every little moment before he headed into his classroom. Some days we'll walk to school, others we'll drive and he'll even get to take the bus sometimes too! This little moment was the best though. Big brother holding his little sisters hand and not the least bit nervous to walk into his big new school.

 He gets to be in class with 2 of his buddies from our neighborhood. These boys are so funny together and will stick up for one another, run hard together and probably get into a little bit of trouble over the year. But they are the cutest friends and I"m so happy he had some familiar faces to see when we arrived.
All lined up on the wall waiting to walk into class. Of course, he's clearly the tallest!
And, off he goes. This was when I finally broke down a little. Definitely not an ugly cry but a few tears swelled up in my eyes. How did the last 5 1/2 years go by so quickly?!? Thank goodness I had sweet little Simon to cuddle and a playful Lucy to spend time with to help distract my time for the 3 hours he was gone. It's funny, even though it's about the same amount of time he was in preschool last year there is something about kindergarten which makes it a little harder to be away. The 5 days a week will take a little getting used to.

After school I surprised him with some vanilla cupcakes with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting for dessert. After all, it was a big day!
 And then the playful afternoon continued. What a great day!!
 And never to be forgotten, this littlest boy did his very best to try and roll over yesterday. Soooo close!


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