Lucy turns 5!

>> December 21, 2016

I don't know if it's because Lucy's birthday is so close to Christmas or if because I just really love celebrating holidays but I couldn't help start celebrating Lucy's birthday a little early this year. It  seems silly to just have 1 special day when you can spread it out over a few days and really make someone feel loved. So that's what we did!
Lucy requested homemade cinnamon rolls for her birthday breakfast. Because of a busy few days I made them a day early so we could enjoy them all week (although now my co-workers will be enjoying the rest since we are a bit sugared out!)
They turned out amazing and such a little treat for all of us.

 The morning before her birthday was the official start of Christmas break. Matt was home from his business trip so we had a lazy morning in pj's, which was just what we all needed. Lucy and Simon read books together, Carter played with legos and Matt and I drank coffee while planning more festivities.
 The afternoon was all about the girls. Lucy, Matt's mom and I had tickets to the Nutcracker for part of her birthday present. We opted out of the big Seattle production and chose a smaller venue in Bellevue. It was perfect! Our seats were in the front row and Lucy just loved watching the ballet. She looked so adorable in her sparkly dress and crown and it was so fun to see her eyes light up when the dancers came on stage.

 I don't think I'm really a giant but sure look like one here with Lucy and Kathy! Maybe I should wear flats more often?!

 The evening ended with a dinner out for pizza and then home for homemade triple berry pie - another request by the birthday girl.

 On her actual birthday she got to open up presents from us. A new Christmas Nutcracker book and $20 to save for our upcoming trip to Disneyland. It's so funny to see how excited the kids get over paper money. Giving just a $20 bill isn't nearly as exciting as unwrapping 20 $1 bills! Ha!

 To keep celebrating we headed down to Redmond for lunch with my parents and then ice skating for the big kids. I was so proud of how well they did, despite never doing it before and falling several times. They just got right back up and kept trying! It was a little hard since it was a synthetic rink so you couldn't really glide as well as you normally would on ice but it helped them not get too cold or wet. I really think they'd love roller skating so we'll have to try that soon too!

 After a fun few days we all came home tired and cuddled up on the couch to watch a Christmas movie. The birthday girl said she had a perfect day and that's all I could ever ask for!
You are now 5 years old. In some ways I've felt you've been this old for a while in the ways you talk and act but then I just shake my head that my little baby girl is already 5 years old. You continue to be one of the sweetest people I know. You care so much for others, especially your brothers. You are kind and thoughtful and always worry about how someone else might be feeling. You are loving to all your babies and stuffed animals and have the most creative imagination. You are beautiful, inside and out. You have your own sense of style and aren't afraid to just put together a crazy outfit and go on with your day. You are smart and always want to keep learning more. You are stubborn at times, sassy and dramatic but I think it's your way of reminding us to never forget about our middle child stuck between 2 wild boys. You are so fun to be around and I just love our girl time. And now you are 5!!! You have grown up so much this past year - finishing your first year of preschool and starting your last year of preschool, playing on 2 soccer teams, learning how to ride your bike without training wheels, learning to swim, excelling in math and trying to read, making new friends, having playdates,  always helping me and continuing to be the very best Lucy you can be. I love you more than there are stars in the sky. Happy Birthday sweet girl.


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