sleepy Simon.

>> May 25, 2018

With such a busy spring season full of activities poor Simon has been a champ. Often times he has to miss his (much needed!) nap to go to a practice, stay at preschool all day or attend a mid day soccer game. So it's no surprise that one day he quietly sat on the couch and just passed out. It's rough being 2 sometimes!
 We are beyond proud of our little athletes and how hard they are working. Even more impressive is Matt and his coaching. Somehow he is juggling both teams while handling a few huge projects at work and normal stuff at home. I know both kids love having him coach and he's having just as much fun being out there with them.
 Last weekend we spent an entire Sunday cleaning out and organizing the garage. It felt SO good to get a lot of old stuff out of there, plan to sell off more baby stuff (sad...but needed) and make room for our current fridge. Afterwards we celebrated with a stay in date night after the kids went to bed. This delicious pizza full of figs, prosciutto, arugula, goat cheese and homemade balsamic glaze. So delicious!

 Never ending yard work meant weeding for a few hours while Simon played in the backyard too.  Imagine a jungle of weeds under the deck and now....all gone!

 Simon helped by watering our little garden. It's actually growing!!!
 More naps on the go....

 And cute kids before school.
 To celebrate a hot spring day we went to froyo on an early release day before heading to the park.
 And then came home to play Yahtzee! Carter's homework assignment this week is to play 1 game a day and it's so fun. I never realized what a good lesson in adding large numbers or problem solving this game had but we are all loving it. Simon things he gets a Yahtzee every single time which just adds to the laughter.
 And.....our new fridge! One of the last things we needed to do to complete the kitchen remodel from when we moved in almost 3 years ago. Our old one will give us much needed storage in the garage too.
Now time to prep for a fun Holiday weekend! Happy Memorial Day everyone!


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