soccer, donuts and sprinklers.

>> May 9, 2018

 The weather has finally warmed up and we are all loving it. I'm not having to live in my long down coat anymore, we walk to school, play in the backyard and keep windows and doors open during dinner. It's amazing!!! I had a friend realize the other day she is a completely different person when the sun comes out and honestly, I think I am too. We are all a bit happier when the weather improves after a long, dark winter.
Simon and I can often be found at our local park playing baseball, football, soccer or frisbee. He's the most athletic 2 year old I've ever met!

 Lucy is doing so great with soccer and I love watching her play. She has her game face on when the time is right but during practice, it's all smiles and giggles!

 Last week I was able to chaperone her field trip to the zoo. 65 kindergarteners and 50 parents headed down to Seattle. The only problem? The district mixed up the bus requests and only delivered 1 bus for all of us! So....parents had to carpool and meet them all there. I felt bad for these sweet kids who were SO excited to have their parents ride on the bus with them but it all worked out in the end. Plus I got to have some fun mom time with 3 other great friends of mine and best of one got lost!

 Last weekend Matt left for another business trip. He hasn't had to leave for a while now so we really shouldn't complain but it's still so hard on the kids. Lucy was especially bummed so I surprised them with a visit to the local donut shop in the hopes of cheering them up. Yes, I totally bribed my kids with sugar worked! Until the sugar crash that came a few hours later but you can't win 'em all, right?

 Her donut was ridiculous. But don't worry, she barely ate half of it before realizing it was WAY too sweet.
Meanwhile...Matt is loving life with this view. Rough week in Vegas, huh?
 We spent the rest of the afternoons playing sports in the backyard, eating popsicles, running through the sprinkler and playing dress up. Typical week but always fun with these little ones.

 This weekend we finally get to start sports games after a few weeks of just having practices. Can't wait!


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