a morning to remember.

>> December 28, 2018

One of my favorite things about Christmas morning is watching the kids wake up, race downstairs with huge smiles on their faces and then jump up and down as they see the gifts under the tree. This year wasn't that. At least not from everyone. Carter fell asleep on the floor of our reading room cuddled up with his blanket and peter pan doll, Lucy quietly crept downstairs with a look of happy confusion (where is Carter mom?!?) and Simon slept in a bit after being woken up several times throughout the night with a sick big brother in the bunk below. 
So, we decided to hold off on Christmas morning traditions, turn on a movie and cuddle up on the couch. And, actually, I sort of loved it! Having time to cuddle up in jammies with a big blanket and put off the gifts was perfect. Carter took a well deserved nap, Simon finally woke up and joined us on the couch and we just relaxed. It might just become a new tradition next year. (minus the whole vomiting child part!)

 Carter finally made his way downstairs and laid on the couch during presents. He had just enough energy to lift up his head when it was his turn to open gifts while the other kids tore open their presents. Poor guy.

 We managed to get a few smiles in and even enjoyed the morning with my parents who came later in the morning after breakfast.

 Santa did well this year. He somehow brought the exact pink, sparkly, sequenced pillow Lucy was hoping for, a baseball helmet and batting gloves for Simon and a new sports book for Carter. Perfect!

 More lounging...it was a constant theme all day for this big kid.

 We made our way down to Matt's parents house for round 2. Luckily Carter perked up a bit more and was able to play Santa while we opened presents.

 Even though Carter got sick again later that night (and again the next morning...ugh) it was a good day. Time spent with family, lots of delicious food, plenty of relaxation and more family pictures than we'll ever need. Here's hoping for a happy, healthy new year!!


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