her day of unicorns.

>> December 18, 2018

This past weekend we celebrated Lucy's 7th birthday by throwing the most magical unicorn party. After having back to back weekend house parties last year for the 2 big kids I knew I just didn't have it in me to do another house party in the middle of December. But I wanted something affordable, fun and different than the typical venues we use. I came across this adorable bakery nearby with the cutest party room and was sold. It was the perfect setting for 15 little girls to celebrate together. I wanted to keep it simple (and let's be honest, I just didn't have the time to make it pinterest worthy) and the girls had a blast.
Lucy is so in to unicorns lately so we themed it around that complete with unicorn decor, cake, games and a craft.
I'm not crafty. At all. In fact, I really don't even like doing crafts. I'm a baker, remember. So it was a big stretch to find, create and teach 15 girls to craft something. But I found this simple unicorn ornament, made a sample a few days before the party and they turned out great! Whew. 

The bakery took care of the cake for me while I brought in the rest of the food. Her unicorn cake was so perfect!

Lucy really has the sweetest of friends and it was fun to see little groups come together from her different social circles. Friends from soccer, basketball, kindergarten and 1st grade. They all are kind, silly and thoughtful. And so are all the moms! A double win when I have playdates and get to chat with the parents.

We didn't have much time to decorate ( I went solo on this party so Matt could take the boys out for the day) but a few of the girls helped put up some simple decorations and I must say, they did a much better job than I would have done. It was just the right amount of sparkle for a small setting.

We worked on the craft and then played Pin the Horn on the Unicorn and Unicorn Ring Toss. So fun!

Then it was time for the cake!

We finished by opening presents and letting each girl sit next to Lucy, give her their gift and show it to the group. I'm sort of 50/50 when it comes to opening gifts at parties but this turned out perfectly. Each girl got to feel special and Lucy loved being able to share her new things with her friends.
Yesterday I surprised her at school with a special birthday lunch (she'll be on Christmas break for her actual birthday) and while she loved it, she still insisted I sit a few seats down in the cafeteria so she could sit by her best friend. Ha! Happy (almost) birthday Lucy! So glad your magical unicorn party was all you dreamed it would be.


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