an amazingly wonderful, terrific, fun-filled, very good day.

>> July 30, 2013

 Today was one of those days I hope to look back on 3 months from now and just smile. Smile because it was pretty much perfect.  A warm summer day filled with so much joy I spent most of the day trying to savor and soak it all in. All 3 meals were spent eating together as a family. Both kids were happy, played together and shared their toys. The tv was off. There were no time-outs. We met friends for a playdate.  I watched Carter ride his big boy bike better than he'd ever ridden before...and the excitement on his face was priceless. We picked veggies from the garden. Played with playdoh. Puzzles. Blocks. Baby dolls. We swung on the swings until my arms were going to fall off from pushing so long. Lucy had a great nap and Carter, beginning to transition out of naps, spent some quality one-on-one time with me practicing his letter writing.  He was more focused and concentrated than I've ever seen before. His determination, albeit many reminders to "just write the letter!" was reflected in the smudged red and yellow markered-up pages and stained hands. I went for a walk, they ate popsicles and covered their faces in red-stained juice.  We ran in a big grassy field at the park chasing dragonflies. We picked blackberries.  Lots of them! And stained our fingers trying to eat They swam in the pool, dug in the sandbox and read books until they fell asleep.  And I will enjoy some homemade peach cobbler in a few minutes.
It was a really, really great day.

 A delicious breakfast to start the day off right.
 Lots of Buzz Lightyear action. And playdoh (they rarely like to do arts and crafts)
 At the park, soaking in the sunshine.
And a perfect way to end the day. 
Don't worry...we still had a few meltdowns, whining and a couple poopy diapers to bring me back to reality!


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