Happy Birthday America!

>> July 11, 2013

We were so excited that 4th of July fell on a Thursday this year so we could take Friday off and have a 4 day weekend!  The weather was perfect, kids were happy and the beach house was the perfect getaway. The night before we started off the weekend in true American fashion....getting ice cream from the the neighborhood ice cream truck!  (except now it's a creepy mini-van bumpin' hip hop music from its speakers, but still somehow All-American). Carter chose a sugar-laden snow cone that was clearly 4 years old and frozen solid. Not much luck eating that.
 Lucy was festive and chose a firecracker popsicle. She only ate about a 1/3 of it and we realized it probably wasn't worth the $4 for a "special treat."
 We headed off to Camano Island early Thursday morning.  I didn't get the kids any special 4th of July clothes so I threw a red barrette in Lucy's hair and put Carter in a red/blue plaid shirt and called it good. Carter was excited but Lucy didn't really feel like sharing the chair for a memorable photo-op.

 We spent most of the weekend on the deck watching people walk by, looking at the water, eating lunch and just relaxing.  It was wonderful!
 We headed down to the beach each day too. It's so nice to just walk down the hill to the water and let the kids get dirty playing in the sand.

 Of course we had to have a sword fight with driftwood sticks.  And of course Carter (aka Peter Pan) won. again.

 Later that day we pulled out the croquet set Grandma bought for Carter.
 He got the hang of it pretty quick!
 My favorite thing about going to the beach is just sitting and doing nothing when the kids nap.  Usually I'm at home running around like crazy trying to clean, prep meals, fold laundry and shove a snack in my mouth but at the beach I just sit, read random magazines and eat yummy food.  Like this amazing fruit we bought at a local fruit stand.  Sitting on the deck, staring at the water, slowly eating my food and just enjoying the peace and quiet.  Perfection!
 And there were times we napped too.  :)
 The kids ate all their lunches outside too!
 And our final morning on the beach.  The tide was out so we had plenty of room to run and explore.  Lucy even decided to just walk right in the water with all her clothes on! She was having so much fun until it was time to go.  Then it was a scream fest because she was cold, dirty, wet and had a poopy diaper and of course the only towel I brought down with me had somehow become soaked and was useless. That was a fun walk home!

 Matt and Carter spent over 30 minutes exploring the beach.
 And....her 1st pony tail! She is FINALLY letting me do something with her hair.  And looks pretty stinkin' cute.
 It was so hot that day even the local playground was too hot to play on so we headed into Stanwood for an ice cream treat. The kids were so happy to see sprinkles on their cones.

Such a fun, memorable, wonderful 4th of July!


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