summer days

>> July 18, 2013

Just a few pictures from our lazy summer days the past few weeks.  Okay, not so lazy because it's actually been jammed packed with holidays, birthdays, a bachelor party/wedding, play dates, doctor and dentist appointments and the usual house cleaning/organizing/lawn mowing/weeding/grocery shopping days.  But, we've still squeezed in some time for fun!

 Our rental house came with this super old metal swing set that will probably not survive the summer. But, the kids love it and it makes for a perfect water slide!

 Our little risk-taker.  Always climbing up on things and now learning to walk down the slide.  I think she's learned a thing or two from her older brother.
 Much more into cars than Carter ever was!  She happily played with them for 20 minutes one morning.
And still 2 more months of summer fun to come!


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