my babies.

>> July 19, 2013

This will probably be a sappy post (warning) but after looking through some pictures, I've realized I no longer have a baby and a toddler.  I have a toddler and a preschooler.  What the heck happened?
Just like that my little ones are growing up. 
Lucy still loves to cuddle but now also climbs into the bathtub by herself, likes to "brush" her own teeth, tells me when she has gone potty in her diaper, eats with a fork and spoon and copies every little thing that her big brother does.
 Carter continues to say the funniest things, is sincere and sweet, cares so much about how other's feel, asks a thousand questions a day just to learn every little detail, eats like a horse, could read books for hours, hits a baseball better than any 3 year old I know and loves his family so much.
And the two of them are peas in a pod. Their faces light up when the other walks in a room, they both get ridiculously excited when the other wakes up in the morning or from a nap and they fight like, and sister.  We've entered the "referee" phase of life where I am constantly hearing, "mom...Lucy pulled my hair!' or "eeeekkkk!" (from Lucy). But then there are moments like this where they sit together, eat a snack and hug. And I just melt.
I just love and adore these two little people so much. I struggle daily with being a better mom, communicating differently to teach them respect, discipline and positive self-esteem, encouraging them to make good choices, be kind to others, share their things and simply be nice. They both are absorbing every.little.thing. I do or say and it can be a bit overwhelming at times. My mom guilt gets the best of me most days but I look at these pictures and remember they are happy, healthy and loved. And they are really great kids. Better than I could have ever dreamed of.


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